Why OKX-X Layer?

Introduction to X Layer

X Layer is a ZK L2 network powered by the OKB token and built using Polygon CDK, offering 100% EVM compatibility, exceptional performance, low fees, and robust security — achieved with seamless integration.

It provides a secure and user-friendly blockchain experience to all users, using advanced cryptographic zero-knowledge proofs to provide validity and near-instant finality to off-chain transaction computations.

zk (zero-knowledge): Zero-Knowledge Proofs are a powerful cryptographic tool that enables one party (known as the prover) to demonstrate to another party (known as the verifier) that they possess certain information without disclosing any details of the information itself.

⚡ Benefits of X Layer

X Layer is built on zkEVM Validium, which offers scalability and flexibility in data availability .

  • Powered by OKX: X Layer provides seamless OKX product integrations, an all-in-one Web3 gateway, and access to 50M users in the OKX ecosystem.

  • Lower fees: X Layer does not consume expensive gas (same coding experience as Ethereum, with 100x less in costs).

  • ZKP-powered scalability: X Layer has no limits on the amount of transaction data published to Ethereum with ZK-validity proofs.

  • Ethereum security: X Layer natively inherits the security of Ethereum, securing user funds from malicious operators.

  • Unified liquidity: X Layer ensures fluid asset transfers across different CDK-developed chains within Polygon 2.0's L2 ecosystem, building a vibrant, efficient, and interconnected digital economy.

  • Near-instant finality: X Layer utilizes cryptographic security to ensure the integrity of transactions, achieving near-instant finality and robust security.

  • Portal to Web3: Enter the world of Web3 via OKX Wallet, built with compact infrastructure modules to create innovative DApps.

🔳 The OKB token

OKB is the native gas token of X Layer, as well as the cryptocurrency that powers the OKX ecosystem.

You can trade OKB like any other cryptocurrency, and can also use OKB in a wide range of applications and use cases.

At launch, users will be able to bridge and exchange cryptocurrencies with OKB on dedicated SwapX pools.

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Last updated